Questions Адвокат [Hot] Single women over 40 2025

[Hot] Single women over 40 2025

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Article about single women over 40:
40 Reasons Why Being Single in Your 40s is the Greatest Thing Ever. The way we see it, your 40s are your best decade—period. You know who you are and you know what you want.
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On top of that, you’re more established in your career, your rough edges have been smoothed over, and you don’t let the small things in life distract you or get you down. And if you find yourself facing singledom—whether or not you want to be—we’d argue that there’s a lot to be excited about, even if it doesn’t feel that way at first. That’s why we’ve compiled all of the best reasons for being single in your fifth decade, starting with one simple fact: you can begin your days focusing on one and only one thing: you. And for more great advice, don’t miss the 40 Ways to Master Your 40s. Stay out late, sleep in, eat any food you like, behave badly on a night out. As a single person, you are free to do what you want when you want without being accountable to another person,” says Rosalind Sedacca , a dating and relationship coach. No one can tell you what to do, when to do it, or that they don’t like what you’re doing—because it’s none of their business. There’s something pretty liberating about that. “Singles too often take freedom for granted,” she adds. “When you take advantage of this reality, the single life becomes much more desirable—and harder to let go of.” “You may want to go on a vacation for the weekend, go get Botox, or go to an expensive play,” says Stef Safran , owner of the dating service Stef and the City. “If you are single, you don’t have to run it past anyone other than yourself.” You don’t have to ask your partner, for example, if there’s room in the budget for that new necklace or watch. Although you’ll probably want to stop overspending on these common things. Want to go for a career that requires logging long hours, tons of travel, or moving to another country? Yes, you can absolutely do these things if you are attached, but it’s a lot easier if you’re flying solo. “Many people turn down or put opportunities on hold for relationships and then regret it later when they don’t have a new opportunity or their life just doesn’t allow for it anymore,” says Toni Coleman , a psychotherapist, relationship coach, and divorce mediator. So go ahead and do something exciting with your career—there’s no reason not to. “Often a couple will have huge differences in their destination preferences,” explains Monte Drenner , a licensed counselor and life coach. “For example, one may love the mountains while the other loves the beach or one may want to stay local while the other prefers international travel. These different desires can cause huge conflicts in a relationship,” he says. Plus, when you take a trip by yourself, you get to choose the sightseeing spots you prefer without having to worry about what your partner wants to do. Before you head out, make sure you read up on the 35 genius travel hacks only experienced globetrotters know. Dating might seem like a chore, but it can help you expand your social network and could even end up being fun . “Meeting people through dating is a whole new world,” says Karen Bigman , a life transition coach with a focus on divorce. “With the right mindset, it can be a blast!” “You make all the rules,” says Rhonda Milrad , LCSW, relationship therapist and founder of online relationship community Relationup. “You determine the temperature, the type of covers, the level of darkness, what side you want to sleep on, and the time you are going to wake up in the morning. There is no snoring, shuffling, sneezing, coughing or early morning to bathroom runs to disturb your sleep.” Sounds pretty great, right? If you still need some help falling asleep, though, try these 11 Doctor-Approved Secrets for Falling Asleep Faster—Tonight. “You don’t have to worry about arguing about what you want to watch, how you want to spend your weekends, or whose house you are going to for the holidays,” Safran notes. “Sometimes just getting to be alone, enjoying activities that matter to you, can be a lot better than being in a relationship.” “Falling in love can literally change your brain,” explains Jonathan Bennett , a certified counselor and dating coach. “When you love someone, the critical decision making centers of your brain become less active. Combined with the increase in dopamine and other ‘feel good’ chemicals, people who are madly in love can act blindly when it comes to their partners and make irrational decisions. By being single, you can think more clearly and rationally in order to make important life decisions.” In other words, when you’re single, you know that you’re likely making the decisions that are best for you, which can lead to a happier life overall. Slimming down or toning up can be extra challenging when you have a romantic partner. Plus, sometimes just being in a relationship can cause people to pack on the pounds. “For many people, being in a relationship consumes all of their discretionary time and they tend to neglect other important aspects of life, like physical health,” Drenner says. When you’re not part of a couple, it’s easier to skip unhealthy meals that don’t help you meet your goals and prioritize healthier behaviors. When you ask most people what their biggest goal in life is, they’ll tell you it’s to be happy. Luckily, being single actually makes it easier to accomplish that goal. “When you are single, you have the greatest flexibility to create your happiness,” explains Scott Carroll , MD, author of Don’t Settle: How the Marry the Man You Were Meant For . “The trick is helping people understand that you have to construct your life to promote your happiness and that your relationship status doesn’t really make you happy (but a bad marriage or relationship can sure make you miserable).” “Because you are unencumbered, you have the freedom to do anything on a moment’s notice,” Milrad points out. “You can go away for the weekend at the last minute, impulsively decide to change up your plans, or go hear a musician that you didn’t know was in town.

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