date in asia home for singles
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Your experience can help others make better choices. | Read 81-100 Reviews out of 152
Dateinasia Reviews. I’ve never did anything wrong on this site, but as soon as I created an account it was deleted for no reason.
I sent an email to their customer several times and they never replied. So. I tried to created another account with a different email and different phone number, but same result. deleted again. Again. I tried email them to find out what the problem was and they never replied. This site is lame, and their service is awful! You’re much better using, Asian Dating or Cherry Blossoms. Their service is not free, but I would rather pay for a better service than get a free service that is completely worthless. If you register with Date in Asia, its only a matter of time before they delete your account, no matter if you did anything wrong or not. I recommend using Asian Dating or Cherry Blossoms. Date in Asia is useless. Date of experience : August 30, 2018. DIA is trash and worst of time. DIA is trash and worst of time Here is the next member who banned without anny reason. I didnt insulted or had word with sex or anything in my messages. But one morning they deleted my acc. Its a bit shame, i was texting to a girl (ok, im not sure if she is a right person) in a nice way and suddenly im gone. Date of experience : April 02, 2022. Let me first say. Let me first say, this site has genuine women on there because I have actually met a couple and some are on my Facebook. The problem is, like other guys have commented, you will get Banned. for no justifiable reason. I originally joined this site way back in 2009, with no problems. I was not active in it back then because I wasn’t getting much interests but I became active around 2018. I was shocked after a while of usage, to discover my account got banned. I can only assume it was because I was getting more interests than before. lol I rejoined again just this week. Started getting interests again but within 24hrs my new account was banned. Not sure what the motives of the owners of this dating site is? I would be happy to pay a subscription, if the owners were not so quick to ban guys for unreasonable reasons and if there was a way of disputing their actions. I have never been banned on paid dating sites. It is not easy trying to find our ideal partner, this dating site doesn’t make it any easier. Date of experience : November 18, 2022. Owners of dia hide in switzerland. Owners of dia hide in switzerland. Armed guards. Moderaters can be found, they read messages all day. They sleep with their back against the wall with one eye open. They know they are marks” for disrespectng and damaging honest clean talking people and scammers from china can get you deleted for no reason if you reply. Date of experience : October 12, 2019. It is Possible to Find the Girl you Want. (With work) They had banned me about 2 times (I found a way around it) after a girl sent me a half naked pic that I did not ask for and I did not like it so yeah, I was banned for something I did not even do, they tend to be backwards and not fair towards foreigners. I definitely would have given them a MUCH lower rating if I hadn’t found my way past all the scammers and all the banning. Yes, I was determined. I found out how to sift through all the bullsh*t and all the flakey girls to find a true Filipina that is not into games and so beautiful. I ended up making an 8 part series about it. Check it out here on Youtube (Aaron Truth TV) She is also pro freedom like me. She is tough like me and doesn’t get into social media site dramas. When I met her for the first time I was so happy to see how beautiful she was and how much feminine energy she had. is far from perfect and tend to get into political trappings but we foreigners can find our way past their games and still get what we want. Never give up. Thanks. Date of experience : July 14, 2020. Read why a 5* site has a low rating here, it’s quite a good site. I’ve been around Filipina’s and have lived in Cebu. I had a Filipina for a wife, which ended tragically, long age. I’ll explain why a 5-star website has a 1.4 star on Trustpilot. The reason is simple: Guys get themselves banned, it is that simple. Look at the bottom of my review for the “why.” My review of 5* is because 1) it’s free. I mean really free, the owner doesn’t make anything unless it’s from ads. 2) Most (but not all) women are real. Now for the negatives: 1) In reality there are usually less than 100 women here. Sadly, most come, and leave quickly because the website has never met critical mass. 2) The women are real. A negative? Yes, when virtually ALL the ladyboys (most who ID themselves as they are) beat the pants off of the women. What I mean is the the average woman here is well, “average.” If they look like a movie-star they’re fake. Now: Why such (-) rating on Trustpilot: Because guys get themselves banned. They may say “hey, nice boobs,” or something they think is harmless (and is harmless in America) and whammo, they are banned. The owner knows his stuff, create a 2nd account, even with VPN, and “banned.” Look at the sites TOS: ” You will not seek friends-with-benefits (FWB) relationships, no-strings-attached (NSA) relationships, casual relationships, casual dating, or anything else that involves casual sex. Violating any of these will lead to a permanent ban of you and your account. ” Be squeaky clean in every word you write, be polite, and read those TOS again, and hey, it’s the only real site that’s truly free. It’s worth using. Date of experience : January 01, 2023. Many users, but terrible antiscaming system. For free website it has loots more profile then its common, but has a weakness of no warning and bans for no good reason (one day praised for sucesfull reporting and same day banned). It blocks by IP meaning that if your IP is not static (like in case of most of the European homes) then you find that it wont work for you when you change IP. With many free users come many scamers. – most scammers would use attractive pictures (obviously) – Girls with most attractive pictures would get most messages (obviously) . – scammers will be most likely to respond to most messages (obviously increasing number of people increasing chance of getting money) So its natural with no regards to scamers/real ratio, most messages will be from scammers (as on any other free site). I find it rather bad for people who where born in the body of a gender (including me) to be blaming people disabled by incorect body gender in regards to the gender of their mind for wanting to find the same things as rest of us do. Most of them admit to their disability far more openly then most of us admit to our weaknesses.
Date in asia home for singles